Aquí le presento algunas fotos más de nuestro verano. La estancia en Suecia de Kosmos y las visitas de abuelita y Tía Azucena.
Here there are some extra pictures from the summer. Some of them are from Sweden and other from grandma and aunt Azucena's visit.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Donde están las cosas salvajes/ Where the wild things are

Después de ser mamá me he cultivado en el género de literatura infantil. "Where the wild things are" es un libro muy famoso y favorita entre los niños americanos. Y resulta que ahora es película (qué raro) y encontré una aplicación donde pude poner la foto de Kosmos. Kosmos se llamó a sí mismo "Kosmax" por "Max" es el nombre del personaje central. Luego les pongo el video de youtube con la animación del libro, el script es exactamente igual al libro.
After being a mom, I learned a lot about children books. "Where the wild things are" is one of the favorite books among Americans and now, guess what, is a movie! Here I made a digital trick so the image of Kosmos appear in the promo poster. Kosmos called himself "Kosmax" after the central character of the book "Max". Then you can see one of Kosmos{ favorite animations of the book in you tube.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Las vacaciones de verano / Summer vacations
Este verano fuimos a Europa a visitar familia y amigos. En Suecia vi a mis bisabuelas, abuel@s, tí@s y primos. Aprendí mucho sueco y al final del viaje ya casi podía hablar totalmente en sueco. Me gustó mucho ir a pescar, ir a la playa, jugar con los nin@s vecinos de farfar, comer moras silvestres y caminar por el bosque.
Además viajamos por varios lugares de Europa. Fuimos a Dinamarca a visitar a Kristoffer y Cathrine en una isla que se llama Møn. Y veran en las fotos el acantilado más alto de Dinamarca. Después fuimos a visitar a Henrike y su familia cerca de Braunschweig. Cruzamos otra frontera para dirigirnos a visitar a Idil en Groningen, Holanda. Regresamos a Alemania y fuimos a Tübingen a recordar los viejos tiempos de mis papis, así como a visitar a Rodrigo y a Michelle (que ahora vive cerca de Suttgart). Luego en una visita express visitamos a Mauricio en Duisburg y pasamos un agradable día en el zoológico que ni Mauricio conocía. Finalmente, terminamos nuestro recorrido de regreso en Suecia en Tåstarp en la casa de mi abuela. Gracias a todos por su hospitalidad!
This summer we went to Europe to visit family and friends. In Sweden we saw the great grandmas, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. I learned a lot of Swedish so by the end of my stay I could mostly speak Swedish to my family. In Sweden, I loved to go fishing, swim in the sea, play with farfar neighbors, eat wild berries and walk in the forest.
Also, we traveled around Europe and visit some of my parent's friends. You can see pictures of Møn in Denmark, where we visited Kristoffer and Cathrine. We visited Henrike and her family in Braunschweig. Germany; Idil in Groningen Holland; Rodrigo and Michelle in Tübingen and Stuttgart (Germany), respectively, and Mauricio in Duisburg. Finally, we finished our trip back in Sweden in Tåstarp at mormors place. Kosmos and Hjalmar stay longer but the photographer left. Thanks to all of you for your hospitality!
Además viajamos por varios lugares de Europa. Fuimos a Dinamarca a visitar a Kristoffer y Cathrine en una isla que se llama Møn. Y veran en las fotos el acantilado más alto de Dinamarca. Después fuimos a visitar a Henrike y su familia cerca de Braunschweig. Cruzamos otra frontera para dirigirnos a visitar a Idil en Groningen, Holanda. Regresamos a Alemania y fuimos a Tübingen a recordar los viejos tiempos de mis papis, así como a visitar a Rodrigo y a Michelle (que ahora vive cerca de Suttgart). Luego en una visita express visitamos a Mauricio en Duisburg y pasamos un agradable día en el zoológico que ni Mauricio conocía. Finalmente, terminamos nuestro recorrido de regreso en Suecia en Tåstarp en la casa de mi abuela. Gracias a todos por su hospitalidad!
This summer we went to Europe to visit family and friends. In Sweden we saw the great grandmas, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. I learned a lot of Swedish so by the end of my stay I could mostly speak Swedish to my family. In Sweden, I loved to go fishing, swim in the sea, play with farfar neighbors, eat wild berries and walk in the forest.
Also, we traveled around Europe and visit some of my parent's friends. You can see pictures of Møn in Denmark, where we visited Kristoffer and Cathrine. We visited Henrike and her family in Braunschweig. Germany; Idil in Groningen Holland; Rodrigo and Michelle in Tübingen and Stuttgart (Germany), respectively, and Mauricio in Duisburg. Finally, we finished our trip back in Sweden in Tåstarp at mormors place. Kosmos and Hjalmar stay longer but the photographer left. Thanks to all of you for your hospitality!
Amigos / Friends
Estos últimos meses recibimos la visita de varios amigos que se habían mudado de Butler. Nos dió mucho gusto verlos y podemos jugar con ellos. Aquí va una secuencia de imágenes de algunas visitas y algunos vecino-amigos!
I want to share some pictures of my friends from Butler and also some people that came to visit us during the Spring.
I want to share some pictures of my friends from Butler and also some people that came to visit us during the Spring.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
This land is your land
Ésta es una de las canciones más recientes que me he aprendido. Hasta logré que mis compañeros de la escuela se la aprendieran y la cantaramos para nuestros padres. Por varias semanas la he cantado de día y de noche. Cuando llegó el gran momento, las maestras me pasaron al frente y me dio pena y no canté. Logré cantar la primera canción porque estaba parado atrás pero no me animé para "This land is your land". Las fotos lo dicen todo.
This song is one my favorites now. I manage to teach the lyrics to my classmates and later we sang it to our parents. For several weeks, I sang the song day and night. When the moment of truth came, my teachers put me in front of the choir to sing and I felt so shy that I couldn't sing. The first song was ok because I was standing in the back but I didn't dare to sing "This land is my land", my face in the pictures can tell you
This song is one my favorites now. I manage to teach the lyrics to my classmates and later we sang it to our parents. For several weeks, I sang the song day and night. When the moment of truth came, my teachers put me in front of the choir to sing and I felt so shy that I couldn't sing. The first song was ok because I was standing in the back but I didn't dare to sing "This land is my land", my face in the pictures can tell you
Mis papis / My parents
Monday, May 18, 2009
La visita de la mamá de mi papá / Farmor's visit
El pasado abril recibimos la visita de la mamá de mi papá (traducción literal del sueco) y Pete. Durante un fin de semana fuimos a Pennsylvania y rentamos una cabaña. Visitamos varias cascadas y una granja que produce quesos de excelente calidad. A Kosmos le encanta caminar por el bosque, jugar en los ríos y ver animales. Así que disfrutó mucho el paseo. Durante el otro fin de semana, caminamos por Princeton y disfrutamos la explosión floral de la primavera. Nos encantan los colores de las diferentes flores y ver como todo comienza a ponerse verde.
The last April farmor and Pete came to visit us. One weekend we went to the countryside in Pennsylvania and rented a cabin. We visited some waterfalls and a farm that produces excellent cheese.Kosmos really enjoyed to walk in the forest, play in the river and see animals in the farm. The other weekend we walked around Princeton and enjoyed the start of the spring explosion. We love to see the colors from the flowers and how everything is becoming greener. Farmor and Pete, thank you for your visit!
The last April farmor and Pete came to visit us. One weekend we went to the countryside in Pennsylvania and rented a cabin. We visited some waterfalls and a farm that produces excellent cheese.Kosmos really enjoyed to walk in the forest, play in the river and see animals in the farm. The other weekend we walked around Princeton and enjoyed the start of the spring explosion. We love to see the colors from the flowers and how everything is becoming greener. Farmor and Pete, thank you for your visit!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
El invierno 2009/ Winter 2009
Este invierno ha sido un poco pesado para toda la familia. Todos caímos enfermos y de diferentes cosas y realmente extrañamos el apoyo de la familia. Aunque tenemos amigos que a veces nos brindan su ayuda, no es lo mismo que tener el apoyo familiar.
Este año tuvimos varias nevadas, en la mañana cuando está la nieve fresca todo se ve muy bonito pero luego todo se torna gris y se hace como lodito. Además cierran las escuelas, los trenes se retrasan y es muy difícil andar en bicicleta. El invierno aun todavía no se acaba pero ya empezamos a disfrutar de días más cálidos. Esperamos con ansias el calor del verano.
This winter has been harder for us. We have been sick all of us of different things. On those moments we really miss the family support. We have been lucky on receiving some support from our friends here but it is not the same.
This winter we have more snow and I agree that everything looks beautiful at the beginning but afterwards the mix between soil, snow, water makes everything a mess and slippery. Here in USA the schools close on snow days and it takes some time for them to clear the roads and sidewalks so it is hard to bike with this weather. The winter is not yet finish but soon and we are looking forward to the spring and summer time!
Este año tuvimos varias nevadas, en la mañana cuando está la nieve fresca todo se ve muy bonito pero luego todo se torna gris y se hace como lodito. Además cierran las escuelas, los trenes se retrasan y es muy difícil andar en bicicleta. El invierno aun todavía no se acaba pero ya empezamos a disfrutar de días más cálidos. Esperamos con ansias el calor del verano.
This winter has been harder for us. We have been sick all of us of different things. On those moments we really miss the family support. We have been lucky on receiving some support from our friends here but it is not the same.
This winter we have more snow and I agree that everything looks beautiful at the beginning but afterwards the mix between soil, snow, water makes everything a mess and slippery. Here in USA the schools close on snow days and it takes some time for them to clear the roads and sidewalks so it is hard to bike with this weather. The winter is not yet finish but soon and we are looking forward to the spring and summer time!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Pojke Kronfelt/ Bebé Kronfelt

Kosmos tiene un nuevo primo!!! Nació ayer en la noche (hora de Suecia). Esperamos concerlo pronto en persona y saber su nombre. Felicidades a los papás y todos los que se volvieron tíos y abuelos.
Kosmos has a new cousin!!! He was born yesterday at 10 pm (Sweden time). We hope to meet him soon and know his name too. Congratulations to the new parents and all the people that became aunts, uncles, morfar, mormor, etc....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Fin de año 2008 / Holidays 2008
Este fin de año celebramos Navidad y Año Nuevo en Princeton con los amigos de mis papás. Fuimos a la casa de Marina y Richard para ambos días. Yo recibí muchos regalos, gracias a todos!
We spent the holidays in Princeton this year with some friends. We went for Christmas and New Year to Marina and Richard's place. Kosmos received a lot of presents, thanks to all!
We spent the holidays in Princeton this year with some friends. We went for Christmas and New Year to Marina and Richard's place. Kosmos received a lot of presents, thanks to all!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cumpleaños de Kosmos / Kosmos' Birthday
Primero celebramos el cumpleaños de Cohen y nos despedimos de Paula, Alex y Cohen porque se mudaron de regreso a Inglaterra. Después vino el cumpleaños de Kosmos y mamá llevó pastelitos a la guardería (UNOW) y luego cenamos sushi y partimos otro pastel con mis amigos Daniel y Phoenix. El siguiente fin de semana mis papás me llevaron al acuario que está en Camdem y me divertí mucho viendo focas, pingüinos, hipopótamos, tiburones, tortugas y muchos peces de diferentes colores.
First we celebrated Cohen's birthday we also said bye to them because they move back to England. For my birthday, mami brought cupckes to UNOW and later in the evening we ate sushi and cheesecake with my friends Daniel and Phoenix. On the weekend, my parents brought me to the aquarium in Camdem and had so much fun. I saw seals, penguins, hippos, sharks, turles and lots of fishes.
First we celebrated Cohen's birthday we also said bye to them because they move back to England. For my birthday, mami brought cupckes to UNOW and later in the evening we ate sushi and cheesecake with my friends Daniel and Phoenix. On the weekend, my parents brought me to the aquarium in Camdem and had so much fun. I saw seals, penguins, hippos, sharks, turles and lots of fishes.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Adiós Pañales, Bye Bye Diapers!!!!
Esta es la primera semana que Kosmos no lleva pañales a la guardería y el saldo es: cero accidentes!!! Rindió fruto el entrenamiento de las vacaciones. Estamos muy contentos.
This week Kosmos started to go without diapers to the daycare and so far it has been a complete success! We are very happy with his effort!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
La visita de abuelito (Grandpa's visit)
Mi abuelito vino a verme por un fin de semana y fuimos a Filadelfia por un día y caminamos por Princeton. Me gustó mucho jugar legos con mi abuelito.
El nuevo blog de Kosmos / Kosmos' new blog
Anunciamos que nos cambiamos de dirección electrónica. Esperando compartir con ustedes la vida cotidiana de nuestro pequeño hijo Kosmos.
Now you can find information about Kosmos in this address. I hope you keep on following our son Kosmos as he is growing up.
Now you can find information about Kosmos in this address. I hope you keep on following our son Kosmos as he is growing up.
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